Ramanand sagar krishna all episodes. Hi there, I also have come to the same error as the user below. python setup.py py2exe running py2exe Traceback (most recent call last): IndexError: tuple index out of range I have checked paths and python is correctly installed into the path. None of the files conflict with Windows .dll's Running Win 10 - Python 3.6.5 I've been looking for a program that can do conversions from python to .exe files so thanks a bunch in advance!
I am using Python 3.6 on Windows 10. I created setup.py from distutils.core import setup import py2exe setup(console=['test.py']) I run this script and then run test from windows prompt and it gives output of test.py but I am not able to find where is test executable But if I run the command python setup.py py2exe I get IndexError: tuple index out of range Can anyboy explain this strange behaviour?
LF>Support for python 3.x.
Here we explain how to install Ubuntu in the three different ways that it is most commonly installed: (1) from a USB drive, (2) in a virtual machine, (3) or running it from a USB drive without installing it.
Read more reviews >I downloaded the actual py2exe package.But I've no idea how to get it in my system. I mean I can follow the tutorial a 100% but I can't find anything how to install py2exe to my kubuntu 11.10.I also can't find a py2exe.py which I could include to my workingfolder.
Could some please help me the project has to be finish till tomorrow?
Thanks for your help
Py2exe has to run on Windows, you can not run it in Linux. (Maybe wine can help, but I'm not sure)
You need a way to generate a certificate file to use py2exe. Try pyinstaller instead.