Aug 14, 2007 - Yesterday I installed Oracle on Oracle Enterprise Linux V5. Further into the package DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN I read that. As of Oracle 11g a new package DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN allows fine. BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN. 29 Responses to “Enable Oracle database to send.
Anybody here knows how to install a PLSQL package in Oracle 11g?
I am trying to use these two packages:
I am using Oracle Application Express and so far SQL is not able to identify these.
Thank you.
You can check whether they exist first, run this as user sys:
If they don't exist on Oracle RDBMS (I don't know whether maybe express edition excludes them, but that seems illogical), your database is not installed well. The easiest way is to re-install the database. In that case you don't need to replace the software, only create a new database.
The advanced way is to reinstall parts of the data dictionary. If you have never done it before, you can assume that the database will end up corrupt. You can try for instance executing ?/dbs/catqm.sql.
Replace ? by the path where ORACLE_HOME lives and then rdbms/admin. Such as $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin on Linux. Remember to close the database for other users.
The extra comments led to the conclusion that ACL are missing. This is the approach I use to maintain them in a package. Please be careful, even has a bad habit of often crashing the session of the connected user on ACL maintenance despite preventive measures.
Warning! This script allows access to all ports between 1 and 32767. You probably want to restrict this to applicable ports for your application. For ease of use I've pasted it here for all 32K ports.
Warning 2! Maintenance of ACL can be non-trivial and can lead to security risks (which we gracefully accepted upto release 11 of Oracle :-). Involve your sysadmin or networkadmin in case of doubt.