Indrani perera song. The Gira Home. Server is the on- board computer for intelligent buildings. It connects the electrical installation of the KNX system to the computer network and the Internet.
I want to purchase a low end PC just to act as my home server
The PC will have VMWare ESXi installed with 2 OS's on it
A pfSense machine which acts as my main firewall and provides my LAN with load balancing, I'll have 3 NIC's on the PC 2 WAN ports each coming from a NanoStation and PowerBeam feeding the PC with Internet connection, then the pfSense will Load Balance between WAN 1 and WAN 2 then provide the whole house through the third NIC
The second OS will be Ubuntu which acts as my home media server and backup server.
Is such thing possible? If so what parts should I get for the low end PC that I am about to build, and will I be able to connect the NICs directly to pfSense through VMWare ESXi?
And most importantly is VMWare ESXi itself free?
Thanks in advance